One Peppermint Mocha = FOUR cans of Coke?!
Posted by Michael Vacanti

. Watch Episode #2 here: If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) . Mike Vacanti is a writer, entrepreneur, online fitness coach and trainer for Gary Vaynerchuk.
. Watch Episode #2 here: If you are thinking what is this show?? (click here) . Mike Vacanti is a writer, entrepreneur, online fitness coach and trainer for Gary Vaynerchuk.
Equals & Alternatives is a video series where writer and fitness coach, Mike Vacanti (me) reviews popular food choices. Some people will say the show is dumb. They will say it is too simple and below my pay grade. I disagree. Here’s why: The other day, my own mother asked me, “Michael, what are macros?” I’ve been blabbing about… Read more
. This is a list I’ve been slowly growing for the past three years. It touches on business, productivity, relationships, optimizing behavior, meaning-of-life stuff, fitness and time management. It’s personal in nature, but I thought you might benefit from reading it. . 1. Know your life hourly And use it to make daily decisions. 2. Don’t tell… Read more
. Note: this is not a short post. It will take you ~8-9 minutes to read. You bought raw almonds and organic quinoa because some hipster doofus tossed them on his “top 7 protein sources,” click-baity, half-assed, blog post. . Hoping to lean out and drop some bodyfat, you got home and realized these foods were utterly useless… Read more
. Note: This is a “short post” (what’s that?) . Everything is shaking. Your muscles tense and your stomach drops. Every bump brings you slight panic. Enough to interrupt your previous thought with the terrifying assurance that you are minutes from crashing to your death. Occasionally, you shake it off, citing positive data on commercial… Read more
. Note: This is a “short post” (what’s that?) I won’t do anything that does not generate at least $1000/hour. There I was. Just a few days into my new life. On Saturday I overbet bluffed a missed flush draw for a significant portion of my net worth. He called with four-of-a-kind. Jacks. On… Read more
. Note: This is a “short post” (what’s that?) You are completely wasting this. His face contorted in disgust. Not because there was a lacrosse ball jammed under his scapula, but because he was so disappointed in me. “Seriously, you are making a huge mistake. You are throwing away a huge opportunity. This could… Read more
Mike! Why don’t you ever write anymore?? That’s me in the picture. I’m sad. Mostly, because I seem to never write. But also, because my intermittent fasting regimen didn’t include the ice cream breakfast I so desperately wanted. Writing Problem Solved: Under the Blog section, you will now see both “Articles” and “Short Posts.” Shorts posts: 200-500 words… Read more
“Legacy over currency” -GaryVee One day, my grandson will stumble across a picture. A younger grandpa. Just 27 years old. Standing shirtless and flexing his muscles in front of a poorly cleaned bathroom mirror. He’s gonna ask, “Grandpa, why were you doing this?” This is something I think about every day. Are Selfies A Good Thing?… Read more
My phone buzzes. Gary. G: I want to talk to you. G: About something very rogue. M: I’m intrigued. G: Call you later. Needless to say, a Sunday afternoon text from @Garyvee tickled my inner-fanboy. That’s not where this story begins though. You see, six months prior, I received a text from my good… Read more