My 50 Favorite Pieces Of Motivational Content
Posted by Michael Vacanti

Motivation, as a subject, seems to polarize people into two opposing camps.
- those who “love” motivation, “need” motivation, and would be dominating life “if they could just get more” motivation.
And across a divide of film score laced pump up speeches…
- those who are disgusted by motivation, discrediting it of any merit whatsoever.
Both are camps are wrong.
Does Motivation Have Value?
Motivation is temporary, can be fleeting, is overplayed in instagram/meme/hustle culture, and cannot hold a candle to self-discipline.
Some people spend hours looking at memes, deriving positive feelings back by zero action.
This is what I call the “bad” kind of motivation, the kind of motivation cynics hate.
However, this does not discredit motivation. And, in my personal experience, its value comes in one major way:
Motivation comes from building a circle of influence containing people you don’t know in real life.
That’s one amazing thing about the internet: it can give you insight to another person’s thoughts, feelings, and mood without that person being physically present.
People often say:
“But Mike! You have Roman and GaryVee! I don’t have anyone to motivate me!!”
Well, I don’t have Andy Dufresne or Eminem or Bryan Callen in my life. In fact, I’ve never met any of those guys. But they motivate the hell out of me.
“You become the average of the 5 people closest to you” is real.
There is a reason cliches become cliches. If I’m sitting next to you at Starbucks or I’m sitting next to you in from your glowing screen, I’m influencing you.
How I Use Motivation
Now, make no mistake about it, motivation is not a substitute for doing the actual work.
But, it can serve as a spark or method for changing your mindset and mood, which can lead to changes in your work ethic and output.
I enjoy the following content during strength training, cardio, and commuting.
Hope you like it:
50 Best Pieces Of Motivational Content
1. Bryan Callen on Tim Ferriss Podcast
2. Louie Simmons on Joe Rogan Podcast
3. GaryVee: “The Most Important Word Ever”
4. GaryVee: “One Is Greater Than Zero”
5. GaryVee: A Rant From The Head, Heart, And Hip
6. GaryVee: I Wish (note: I was in London at this speech; it’s my favorite of GV’s of all time)
7. Why Fitness Matters by Mike Vacanti
10. Stop Playing The Victim by Mike Vacanti
11. Motivation: Quotes From Mike Matthews
12. Random Motivation: Sink or Swim
13. HBO Boxing Theme
16. Arnold – Who Do You Want To Be – Motivation
17. Prove Them Wrong – Motivation
19. The Greatest – Ali Motivation
20. Joe Rogan and Bryan Callen On Haters
21. Shoe Dog: A Memoir By The Creator Of Nike
22. Relentless: From Good To Great To Unstoppable
23. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
24. The 50th Law by 50 Cent & Robert Greene
25. #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk
26. Batman Begins
27. The Shawshank Redemption
28. Straight Outta Compton
29. Gladiator
30. Rounders
31. Southpaw
33. Puff Daddy And The Family – Victory
36. Yellowcard – Life Of A Salesman
37. John O’Callaghan – Find Yourself
38. Thirty Seconds To Mars – The Kill
40. Nas – One Mic
41. Dashboard Confessional – The Best Deceptions
42. The Script – If You Could See Me Now
43. Eminem – Legacy
44. Nate Millyunz – Kings Of The North
46. Eminem – Bad Guy
47. John Romaniello @ Day #1 of my RFS Internship
48. Neil Gaiman Commencement Speech
49. J.K. Rowling – Harvard Commencement Speech
50. Steve Jobs – How To Live Before You Die at Stanford
Hope you enjoyed the list!
Now, if you would be so kind, please subscribe to my youtube channel for daily uploads 🙂
Kenzey J
Love it!October 20, 2016 at 11:34 pm |