A Mike Vacanti Original: Patience
Posted by Michael Vacanti
A discussion of the lack of patience many people incorporate when setting their goals and assessing their results.
A discussion of the lack of patience many people incorporate when setting their goals and assessing their results.
. I feel like a dickhead writing this. Because it implies I have “made it” or “figured it out.” And I haven’t. But every single day I get emails and texts and facebook messages from guys who want advice. So, here you go. The two things I’ve done to get “here” #1 Love… Read more
Thursday night. Anticipation and excitement. The kind that precedes celebration: love, unity and of course, shirtless wedding reception degeneracy (pics below). After catching up with my best friends during cocktail hour, we settle down for the Groom’s Dinner. Salad and bread are served, and then it happens. “VACANTI PROBABLY DOESN’T EAT BREADDDDDD,” jokingly taunted my buddy’s girlfriend. … Read more
. I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. I did not dream about it as a kid. Rather, my disdain for corporate America forced my hand and led me here. I quit my job nearly two years ago and launched www.ontheregimen.com one year ago today. After depleting most of my savings, making countless mistakes, and feeling more… Read more
I haven’t posted anything in about a month. That’s a really long time, and I’m sorry. The truth is, I have been busy coaching clients. In fact, seeing dozens of these folks recently drop huge amounts of fat (like, between 10 and 35 pounds) inspired me to write. Should I Read This Post?? Reading… Read more